

5 June at 2.30pm at Gateway against Boughton (w)

Lead / No 2 / Skip

B McDonald / S Windebank / P Gretton

S Green / D Vickers / R Langley

D Norley / L Dixon / B Scott

P Booth / G Miles / J Avis (capt)

S Rebbeck / C Windebank / S Scott

N Armstrong / A Holman / A Booth

Reserve: G Horsler

Rink Duties: D Norley and N Armstrong

Tea Duties: C Bessent and J Holman


28 May at 2.30pm at Kearsney – Lindsay Langley – (w)

Lead / No 2 / Skip

C Bessent / G Horsley / J Avis

J Hudson / L Dixon / M Bessent (capt)

P Booth / A Holman / M Fox

K Huggins / A Fox / S Windebank

P Doolin / P Scott / C Windebank

I Macquire / D Vickers / A Booth

Reserve: A King

29 May at 2.30pm at Gateway against Deal (w)

Lead / No 2 / Skip

A King / L Dixon / P Gretton

N Armstrong / A Holman / A Booth

P Doolin / D Vickers / C Windebank

S Green / D Norley / J Avis

K Huggins / G Miles / M Bessent

P Booth / G Horsley / S Windebank (capt)

Rink Duties: C Windebank and D Vickers

Tea Duties: C Bessent and J Holman

1 June at 2.30pm at Tilmanstone (w)

Lead / No 2 / Skip

S Windebank / P Smallman / R Pearce

C Windebank / L Dixon / R Langley

D Vickers / A Holman / M Fox

S Green / A Fox / P Gretton

P Booth / N Dixon (capt) / A Booth

Reserve: P Doolin


25 May at 2.30pm at Sellindge (w)

Lead / No 2 / Skip

N Armstrong / C Windebank / R Pearce (capt)

C Bessent / L Dixon / D Langley

P Doolin / A Booth / P Gretton

P Booth / S Windebank / R Langley

K Huggins / N Dixon / M Bessent

If going direct please inform Nick or meet at the club at 1.00pm

26 May at 2.30pm at Gateway against Cheriton (w)

Lead / No 2 / Skip

P Booth / P Gibbons / M Fox (capt)

J Macquire / D Vickers / S Windebank

D Norley / A Fox / A Booth

L Hogbin / L Dixon / N Dixon

I Macquire / A Holman / R Pearce

Reserve: K Huggins

Rink Duties: N Dixon and D Vickers

Tea Duties: G Miles, M Carr and S Green


18 May at 2.30pm at Home against Lyminge (w)

Lead / No 2 / Skip

N Armstrong / S Windebank (capt) / M Bessent

L Hogbin / L Dixon / R Pearce

J Macquire / S Scott / R Langley

C Bessent / C Windebank / P Gretton

G Miles / N Dixon / D Langley

I Macquire / B Gibbons / J Avis

Reserves: P Booth and A Booth

Tea Duty: J Turner and P Doolin

Rink Duty: C Windebank and S Windebank

19 May at 2.30pm at Folkestone Park (w)

Lead / No 2 / Skip

K Huggins / A Holman / S Scott

G Miles / G Horsler (capt) / N Dixon

S Green / L Hogbin / B Scott

P Booth / A Fox / A Booth

D Vickers / P Smallman / M Fox

S Rebbeck / L Dixon / D Langley

Reserve: S Windebank

21 May at 2.30pm at Home against Folkestone Town (w)

Lead / No 2 / Skip

P Doolan / A Fox / M Bessent

D Norley / S Windebank / P Gretton

J Turner / D Vickers / S Scott

C Bessent / P Booth / M Fox

M Carr / L Dixon / J Avis (capt)

Reserves: S Green, N Armstrong, G Horsler

Tea Duty: A Booth, I Macquire

Rink Duty: J Turner, A Fox


10 May at 2.30pm at Thanet (w)

Lead / No 2 / Skip

D Vickers / L Dixon / B Scott

D Norley / G Horsley / S Scott

S Green / A Fox / P Gretton

P Doolin / S Rebbeck / D Langley

K Huggins / M Fox / N Dixon (capt)

Meet at the Club at 1.00pm

15 May at 2.30pm at Eastry (w)

Lead / No 2 / Skip

S Green / P Booth / S Windebank (capt)

D Norley / D Vickers / A Booth

A King / L Dixon / M Fox

K Huggins / J Turner / S Scott


4 May at 2.30 at Dane Park (w)

Lead / No 2 / Skip

A Holman / L Dixon / P Gretton

S Green / D Norley / A Fox

P Booth / M Fox / N Dixon (capt)

P Scott / D Vickers / A Booth

K Huggins / G Horsler / D Langley


7 May at 2.30 at Ham Street (g)

Lead / No 2 / Skip

L Hogben / S Windebank (capt) / B Scott

D Norley / C Bessent / R Langley

P Doolan / L Dixon / M Bessent

G Horsley / D Vickers / S Scott

Reserve: K Huggins


8 May at 2.30 at St Margarets (w)

Lead / No 2 / Skip

P Booth / A Fox / A Booth

G Miles / L Dixon / S Scott

P Doolan / A Holman / P Gretton

J Turner / M Fox / N Dixon (capt)

Reserve: B Scott


27 April at 2.30 Betteshanger Away (w)

Lead / No 2 / Skip

P Booth / A Booth / N Dixon (capt)

D Norley / L Dixon / B Scott

K Huggins / P Smallman / P Gretton

S Green / S Windebank / D Langley

S Rebbeck / J Turner / R Pearce

G Horsler / A Fox / C Windebank

28 April at 2.30 Ashford Rail home (w)


Lead / No 2 / Skip

L Hogbin / L Dixon / B Scott

K Huggins / S Scott / D Langley

P Booth / A Booth / R Pearce

P Smallman / S Windebank (capt) / N Dixon

N Armstrong / G. Horsler / J Avis

M Carr / A Fox / R Langley

Rink Duties: N Dixon and P Smallman

Tea Duty: G Miles

1 May at 2.30 River away (w)

Lead / No 2 / Skip

K Huggins / I Macquire / B Scott

N Armstrong / L Dixon / D Langley

S Green / S Scott / N Dixon

D Norley / J Turner / P Gretton

C Bessent / G Horsler / R Langley

J Macquire / G Miles / M Bessent (capt)

2 May at 2.30 Victoria Park home (w)

Lead / No 2 / Skip

M Fox / L Dixon / C Windebank

J Turner / P Smallman / P Gretton

N Armstrong / A Booth / R Pearce (capt)

G Horsler / S Windebank / J Avis

M Carr / A Fox / D Langley

P Booth / S Scott / N Dixon

Rink Duties: A Fox and G Horsley